Submit a Story.

The Sounds is for and about the people in its communities – and we rely on residents to send in news and photos about neighborhood events and organizations. We do not have journalists on staff!

So, please share what’s going on. We love to publish stories about the local schools, girl scouts and boy scouts, award winners, local sports teams, reunions, events, new businesses, local business news, block parties, and milestones including births, weddings and anniversaries. Neighborhood associations can share information on upcoming events or recent meetings.

Articles can be up to 600 words in length. Please include a short title, byline, contact name, and e-mail address. It is best to send the text in the body of an email, or attach a Word file or share Google doc to Based on content and space, submitted articles may be edited.

Photographs should be submitted via email as an attachment and formatted as a JPG or TIF file (best at 300 dpi and files don’t need to be larger than 5 MB). Please identify the people in the photograph, if possible. If you request a photography credit, you must specify that in the email.

Would you like to share your story by being featured as a Mystery Person or Mystery Couple? If so, email us.

Submit your stories and photographs to the Managing Editor at


“Thank you for a wonderful local newspaper!”

~Helen & Ken