Advertise With Us.

Advertise in The Sounds and reach 7,000 households via direct delivery in nine tightly-knit communities on the northwest side of Chicago - Sauganash, Sauganash Park, Sauganash Village, Sauganash Woods, Brynford Park, Edgebrook, Wildwood, Lincolnwood Towers and Indian Woods.

Bulk distribution is also provided at select neighborhood retailers:

Mariano’s - Jefferson Park
Happy Foods - Edgebrook
Tarpey’s Pharmacy
Wintrust Bank - Sauganash

Advertising Rates and Dimensions

The paper is 5 columns per page. Column width: 1.95” with 1/8” gutters.




Classified ad

1.95” x 2”



Business card

4.025” x 2”



1/8 page

4.025” x 5”



1/4 page

5.125” x 7.825”



1/3 page

10.25” x 5.215”



Half page

10.25” x 7.825” or




5.125” x 15.644”


Full page

10.25” x 15.644”



For information on additional sizes and for our generous frequency discounts at the 6x and 20x levels, contact:

Connie Dare, Advertising Manager


Advertising Specifications

  • Ads must be formatted as PDF, JPG, or TIF, and should be press quality / high resolution.

  • Black and white ads should be grayscale. (There is no charge to convert color ads to grayscale.)

  • Color ads should be CYMK. (There is no charge to convert to CYMK.)

  • Our staff can create your ad. Contact Connie Dare for a graphic design quote.

Send advertising to Connie Dare, Advertising Manager,


New advertisers

Welcome! Our policy is that first-time advertisers pay for the advertising prior to publication and provide complete contact information (Company name, contact name, mailing address, phone number and email address.)

Ongoing advertisers

Invoices will be sent via email. We request timely payments as we are a small non-profit organization.

Mail check payments to:
The Sounds
4541 W. Peterson Ave
Chicago IL 60646
ATTN: Finance Manager

Or pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card. 



“We sincerely appreciate all that you and The Sounds contributors do to produce this neighborhood institution in such a reliable, informative and engaging format.”

~Sauganash Chamber of Commerce